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Great Tips and Shortcuts for Editing in Logic Pro
Overview/Cheat-sheet for the shortcuts mentioned in my Youtube videos: 5 Logic Pro Tips to improve your workflow (and finish songs) and 7 Logic Pro Techniques to edit faster
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- 1 file
- By Marc Dold
MA Course and 10 Coaching Lessons
10 ONE-ON-ONE Coaching Sessions & MA Online Course (SAVE $220)
- Bundle
Musical Architects
A hands-on guide to writing and producing a professional sounding song from beginning to end
- Course
- By Marc Dold
The Song Evaluation Blueprint (PDF)
You're about to get your ultimate guide to fine-tuning and completing your songs and music productions so... 1 - enter your email 2 - confirm your email and receive the FREE PDF 3 - by confirming your email you also get a USEFUL EMAILS SHOWING YOU HOW TO USE THE PDF 4 - For Visual learners: Watch the MINI COURSE I have based this Blueprint on decades of song-writing and production and I hope it will be helpful to you. Stay creative, Marc
- Digital file
- 1 file
- By Marc Dold